Lonesome Andi Haller has been composing and producing for film, theater and multimedia for more than 30 years. His range of collaborations includes feature films, animation films, experimental films, documentaries, video games and selected advertising as well as playbacks and live music for theater and performance. Multiinstrumentalist and with a long history of songwriting and bands his music lingers at the fringe of contemporary pop- and rockmusic where the edges get rough and the upwinds become unpredictable.
LAH has also worked as filmmusic producer, in filmsound postproduction and as commissioned composer for chamber ensemble. Other activities involve acting for film and stage, writing/directing feature films and teaching film and game music at the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna (MUK).
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Lonesome Andi Haller komponiert und produziert seit über 30 Jahren für Film, Theater und Multimedia. Das Spektrum der Kollaborationen umfasst Spielfilme, Animationsfilme, Experimentalfilme, TV-Dokus, Computerspiele, Industriefilme und ausgewählte Werbespots, sowie Playbacks und Live-Bühnenmusik für Theater und Performance. Als Multiinstrumentalist mit langjährigem Band- und Songwriting-Hintergrund ist er stilistisch dort zu finden, wo die Pop- und Rockmusik an ihren Rändern schartig und unberechenbar wird.
LAH arbeitete auch als Filmmusikproduzent, Auftragskomponist für Kammermusikensemble und in der Filmsound Postproduction. Weitere Aktivitäten umfassen Drehbuch/Regie für Spielfilm, Darsteller für Film und Bühne und Dozent für Film- und Gamemusik an der Musik und Kunstuniversität der Stadt Wien (MUK)
Most recent tracks on top, the rest are in alphabetical order - jump around, scroll up and down. You can listen to the full tracks here. For oficially released Albums and Singles visit us on bandcamp. We've started re-issuing the back catalogue there. More releases to come! In the meantime you get some tracks here. Scroll down and find out how to make your own price!
NEW 2023 -- Schwelle - track for theater. Crossing the threshold, a dance. From the Grischka Voss one-woman show F*ing Hot
NEW 2023 -- Okinka Pampa ft. LAH - song for theater, here sung by the composer himself. From the Grischka Voss one-woman show F*ing Hot
NEW 2023 -- Durchhalten - track for theater, a dance about pushing on with what must be done, right?. From the Grischka Voss one-woman show F*ing Hot
NEW 2023 -- Progesteron - track for theater. Come on, dance a hormone. From the Grischka Voss one-woman show F*ing Hot
NEW 2023 -- Verfall - track for theater. Well, yeah, decline it is. The body ages, can you take it? From the Grischka Voss one-woman show F*ing Hot
NEW 2023 -- Oestrogen - track for theater. Hormones, hormones, how they make us feel. From the Grischka Voss one-woman show F*ing Hot
NEW 2023 -- Climactoscope - track for theater. Feeling hot? - an introduction to set the climacteric mood. From the Grischka Voss one-woman show F*ing Hot
FI 4erbilder - track for a TV documentary, an artist portrait about Heinz Cibulka
TH AchtzehnEinHalb-Dampfbad - theater music, the Bernhard Ensemble giving Fellini's classic film 8 1⁄2 a spin on the stage
TH AchtzehnEinHalb-Mangiare - theater music, the Bernhard Ensemble giving Fellini's classic film 8 1⁄2 a spin on the stage
FI Alien Mother - from the original soundtrack to ZERO CRASH. A feature film by Andi Haller - How aliens save the world by crashing our money system
SO Alien Proletarian Enemy - from the one-Man-Musikal BASIC SURVIVAL, where aliens abduct poor Berthold Brecht because they want to kill all other humans and replace them with Brecht clones
FI Alien Roller Blade - from the original soundtrack to ZERO CRASH. A feature film by Andi Haller - How aliens save the world by crashing our money system
FI Badewiese - from the soundtrack to the film SUZIE WASHINGTON by Florian Flicker. Available on CD - xterkyu03
SO Bailamos - from the soundtrack to the no-budget Gangster⁄Alien guerilla flick DRYTOWN by our film collective Libre Albedrío
SO Bankasi - from the soundtrack to Florian Flicker's 1993 sci-fi film HALBE WELT, produced on a 4-track cassette recorder in glorious mono
FI Besorgen Sie Mir Ein Herz George - from the original soundtrack to ZERO CRASH. A feature film by Andi Haller - How aliens save the world by crashing our money system
TH Bird.Shit.Island - Medley - refreshing the old form of opera in a production about the island state of Nauru by the fearless theater group Bernhard Ensemble
FI Bluttaufe - track for a TV documentary, an artist portrait about Heinz Cibulka
TH Bulletproof - track for theater, a slow dance about what words can't say. From the Grischka Voss one-woman show BULLETPROOF with lots of Pussy and Vulva
GA Captain's Quest - Looped Music for a decidedly goofy online datig game with cartoonish graphics staged on a cruise ship. Challenge was: the loops had to be quite short
TH Chainsaw Dance - theater music for a Toxic Dreams production turning the mundane life of Slobodan Milosevic and his family into a sitcom
TH Chopsticks Ready - theater music for the Toxic Dreams production SPEED. Available on CD - xterkyu05
FI Colonel Blunt - from the original soundtrack to ZERO CRASH. A feature film by Andi Haller - How aliens save the world by crashing our money system
SO Cuando Di Con Tigo - from the soundtrack to the no-budget Gangster⁄Alien guerilla flick DRYTOWN by our film collective Libre Albedrío, featuring Irene Coticchio on vocals
FI Die Schläfer - from the soundtrack to Florian Flicker's 1993 sci-fi film HALBE WELT, produced on a 4-track cassette recorder in glorious mono
FI Digifotofie - track for a TV documentary, an artist portrait about Heinz Cibulka
FI Drytown - from the soundtrack to the no-budget Gangster⁄Alien guerilla flick DRYTOWN by our film collective Libre Albedrío
TH El Capitan - theater music for the group Toxic Dreams. Available on CD - xterkyu05
FI Extrañoficacion - from the soundtrack to the no-budget Gangster⁄Alien guerilla flick DRYTOWN by our film collective Libre Albedrío
FI Finale - from the soundtrack to the no-budget Gangster⁄Alien guerilla flick DRYTOWN by our film collective Libre Albedrío
TH Food - theater music for the Toxic Dreams production SPEED. Available on CD - xterkyu05
FI Gendarmerie - from the soundtrack to the film SUZIE WASHINGTON by Florian Flicker. Available on CD - xterkyu03
FI Hai 2 - from the soundtrack to JUGOFILM by Goran Rebic. Available on CD - xterkyu03
FI Herzog&Sunny - from the soundtrack to Florian Flicker's 1993 sci-fi film HALBE WELT, produced on a 4-track cassette recorder in glorious mono
TH History of Success - for his expanded cinema live show my experimental filmmaker friend Thomas Renoldner wanted a track that flips through four musical decades. That's what he got
SO Hooked - from the soundtrack to Florian Flicker's 1993 sci-fi film HALBE WELT, produced on a 4-track cassette recorder in glorious mono
FI Hütte - from the soundtrack to the film SUZIE WASHINGTON by Florian Flicker. Available on CD - xterkyu03
FI The Mission - Idylle - track from a short animation film for MTV
FI Katz-2 - from the soundtrack to Florian Flicker's 1993 sci-fi film HALBE WELT, produced on a 4-track cassette recorder in glorious mono
TH Krupnik's Waltz - theater music for the group Toxic Dreams. Available on CD - xterkyu05
GA Land Excursions Inclusive - Looped Music for a decidedly goofy online datig game with cartoonish graphics staged on a cruise ship. Challenge was: the loops had to be quite short
FI Landstrasse - from the soundtrack to JUGOFILM by Goran Rebic. Available on CD - xterkyu03
SO Lick Me - theater music for the Toxic Dreams production SPEED. Available on CD - xterkyu05
SO Me and My Car - A song I've played with various bands. This is the Babyzithers version
FI Metrognome-Jungle of Dreams - from the original soundtrack to THE UNSTRUMENT, a film by Libre Albedrío
SO Miss Croft - theater music for the Toxic Dreams production SPEED, featuring young Pippa Galli. Available on CD - xterkyu05
SO Pajaro de Paz - a song, hey, en español
TH Raining in Sing Sing - theater music for the group Toxic Dreams. Available on CD - xterkyu05
FI Schlussmusik - from the soundtrack to JUGOFILM by Goran Rebic. Available on CD - xterkyu03
FI Schrottplatz - from the soundtrack to Florian Flicker's 1993 sci-fi film HALBE WELT, produced on a 4-track cassette recorder in glorious mono
SO Seeing Double With One Eye - from the only album the post rock drum-bass duo SPLINTERS has ever made, available on CD - xterkyu02
GA Sliding The Bush Around - a remix of a zither track by Christoph Dienz
TH Soundquality - for an expanded cinema live show by experimental filmmaker Thomas Renoldner
FI The Mission - Splatter - track from a short animation film for MTV
FI Spuckbier - from the original soundtrack to ZERO CRASH. A feature film by Andi Haller - How aliens save the world by crashing our money system
GA Stampede - from the only album the post rock drum-bass duo SPLINTERS has ever made, available on CD - xterkyu02
FI Sunny - from the soundtrack to Florian Flicker's 1993 sci-fi film HALBE WELT, produced on a 4-track cassette recorder in glorious mono
FI The Chase - from the original soundtrack to THE UNSTRUMENT, a film by Libre Albedrío
SO Those Who Dream By Day - a song for a short film by experimental filmmaker Thomas Renoldner
SO Tico-Tico No Fuba - a classic brasilian song transformed for a show by Toxic Dreams about Carmen Miranda, featuring Irene Coticchio, available on CD - xterkyu07
TH Titus Circus - Toxic Dreams did also Shakespeare - Titus Andronicus. This is a track from the show
GA Upper Deck Melancholia - Looped Music for a decidedly goofy online datig game with cartoonish graphics staged on a cruise ship. Challenge was: the loops had to be quite short
FI Verfolgungsjagd - from the soundtrack to Florian Flicker's 1993 sci-fi film HALBE WELT, produced on a 4-track cassette recorder in glorious mono
SO Vidas Pasadas - HACEN VAPOR was the name of this duo with Bing Selfish and this is from their only studio recording, available on CD - xterkyu06
SO Vidas Pasadas Remix - HACEN VAPOR was the name of this duo with Bing Selfish and this is from their only studio recording, available on CD - xterkyu06
FI Voodoo - from the original soundtrack to ZERO CRASH. A feature film by Andi Haller - How aliens save the world by crashing our money system
TH Vulvascape - track for theater. Inside the giant vulva. All considered you might find it a little spooky. From the Grischka Voss Show BULLETPROOF
TH Waiting - theater music for the group Toxic Dreams. Available on CD - xterkyu05
TH What's in the Mirror - theater music for the group Toxic Dreams. Available on CD - xterkyu03
FI Where to Sleep - from the original soundtrack to ZERO CRASH. A feature film by Andi Haller - How aliens save the world by crashing our money system
FI Wide Awake - this is the whole soundtrack to an animation film by Sabine Groschup
TH Zombification - from the 2-man-musical YOKO&HUGH with Bing Selfish where Yoko Ono and the boss from Monsanto turn into Zombies, you see?
TH Zu wie eine Auster - track for theater, a dance about getting hurt. From the Grischka Voss one-woman show BULLETPROOF with lots of Pussy and Vulva
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