Lonesome Andi Haller Band - soundtrack examples
LAH - music

Lonesome Andi Haller has been composing and producing for film, theater and multimedia for more than 30 years. His range of collaborations includes feature films, animation films, experimental films, documentaries, video games and selected advertising as well as playbacks and live music for theater and performance. Multiinstrumentalist and with a long history of songwriting and bands his music lingers at the fringe of contemporary pop- and rockmusic where the edges get rough and the upwinds become unpredictable.
LAH has also worked as filmmusic producer, in filmsound postproduction and as commissioned composer for chamber ensemble. Other activities involve acting for film and stage, writing/directing feature films and teaching film and game music at the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna (MUK).

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Lonesome Andi Haller komponiert und produziert seit über 30 Jahren für Film, Theater und Multimedia. Das Spektrum der Kollaborationen umfasst Spielfilme, Animationsfilme, Experimentalfilme, TV-Dokus, Computerspiele, Industriefilme und ausgewählte Werbespots, sowie Playbacks und Live-Bühnenmusik für Theater und Performance. Als Multiinstrumentalist mit langjährigem Band- und Songwriting-Hintergrund ist er stilistisch dort zu finden, wo die Pop- und Rockmusik an ihren Rändern schartig und unberechenbar wird.
LAH arbeitete auch als Filmmusikproduzent, Auftragskomponist für Kammermusikensemble und in der Filmsound Postproduction. Weitere Aktivitäten umfassen Drehbuch/Regie für Spielfilm, Darsteller für Film und Bühne und Dozent für Film- und Gamemusik an der Musik und Kunstuniversität der Stadt Wien (MUK)

--> CONTACT: info[at]xterkyu.net

Most recent tracks on top, the rest are in alphabetical order - jump around, scroll up and down. You can listen to the full tracks here. For oficially released Albums and Singles visit us on bandcamp. We've started re-issuing the back catalogue there. More releases to come! In the meantime you get some tracks here. Scroll down and find out how to make your own price!

Streaming is free. If you download mp3 files, pay what you think is fair. Just use the paypal button below. True, download also works without paying, aha! Up to you. Show some respect and do the right thing. Just imagine this is iTunes but without all the hassle. For Hi-Quality wav files go to bandcamp.
For CDs just drop a mail: shop@xterkyu.net - All rights reserved © xterkyu